4 Critter Print Books

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 Here you will find links to the full digital flipbook versions of our Critter Learning Series books.
Just click on the books or titles.

The Backyard Jungle

The Pollinators

Critter a Week Book #31

Busy Buzzy Mason Bee

Critter a Week Book #31

Layla Ladybug

Marvin Moose Photo

Maya Monarch

Critter a Week Book #31

Rubin Hummingbird

Critter a Week Book #31

Hayley Honey Bee

Critter a Week Book #31

The Ants are Marching

More Critters from the Backyard Jungle

Critter a Week Book #31

Cheeky Charlie Chipmunk

Critter a Week Book #31

Gertrude the Garter Snake

Critter a Week Book #31

Rachel Red Squirrel

The Wild Beyond

Future Releases

Critter a Week Book #31

Lucky Linda Loon

Critter a Week Book #31

Lonely Luke the African Elephant

Critter a Week Book #31

Marvin the Mighty Moose

Critter a Week Book #31

Salty the Chantry Gull

Critter a Week Book #31

Aryana Macaw

Critter a Week Book #31

Quoth the Raven

Critter a Week Book #31

Gideon Grizzly

Critter a Week Book #31

Igor Beaver

Critter a Week Book #31

Jumpy Joey

Critter a Week Book #31

Rudi Caribou

Critter a Week Book #31

Headbutt Bighorn

Critter a Week Book #31

Jimiyu the African Giraffe

Critter a Week Book #31

Ookpik the Snowy Owl

Critter a Week Book #31

Percy the Atlantic Puffin

Critter a Week Book #31

Fabulous Freddy the Red Fox